Monday, November 1, 2010

Hello again!

Hi there readers, fellow bloggers, fellow jewelry designers, and everyone who stumbles onto my humble blog. It seems that I've taken a bit of a hiatus. See, I spent so much time taking pictures and blogging and doing the social networking thing - and I just got a little burnt out. I'd much rather be beading but I suppose it comes along with the territory. SO, I'll be back here every so often with some beady goodness. I can't promise it will be every day or even every other day, but it will happen. Once a week sounds like a reasonable goal right?!
I just got started on some Christmas presents, so I'll have those for you to oogle shortly.

Hope everyone had a happy halloween last night! My husband and I had a good number of little ghouls and goblins come to the door, but not quite enough...we still have way to much candy left over!

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