Saturday, September 29, 2007

OK I've been slacking...

I have been working on projects, just been super busy outside of that and haven't had any real time to take pictures and post. Also, got into a car accident on Wednesday which really put a DENT on things. Ha!
Right now I'm working on a Frankenstien amulet bag (which I think I'm going to turn into a change purse w/ a zipper). It is a pattern created by Jacqué Owens, and appears in the November, 2001 issue of bead and button. I also am working on a necklace that I was commissioned to create for someone. It's beautiful so far though I haven't strung it yet, it's on the bead-board.
I'll have pictures of the progress of both up soon. Today though, I am attenting a hooping (hula that is) teaching certification class, and coming home to a party at my house.
MAYBE tomorrow I'll get those pics up.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Finished pendant comparison

I thought I'd compile a before and after collage, just to give everyone an idea of what the beading really did for the pendant. Like I said before, the silver just wasn't doing the stone justice.
The recipient is very excited and absolutely loves it, which makes me very happy...that's what it's all about!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pendant update

Beading the bail presented a challenge, or I just wasn't doing things right to start and learn!

I used size 15 beads at the top, but realized they werent as uniform as the delicas and had to backtrack a good half hour. I started this time with the delicas and knew things were going to work much better right from the start. Put some 15's along the side to cover the string/stitch, and it's purty.

I'm going to try and get a before picture of the stone, because side by side you can really see how the silver was taking attention away from the stone, and how the black brings it to the forefront. For now, here's the finished piece: